OPERATIONAL EXCELLENCE IN COLD CHAIN MANAGEMENT Over our last century, our eating habits have change dramatically, with our diets becoming almost unrecognisable to those of our old people. The way we shop, cook and dine has been altered by our attitudes towards food, is the modern life style to eat…
ARPIonline E – Newsletter
GCCA Ramps Up Activities in Egypt in 2019
GCCA Ramps Up Activities in Egypt in 2019 (Source : GCCA) Since 2015, the Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) has supported cold chain development in Egypt via the USAID-funded Feed the Future Food Security and Agribusiness Support (FAS) project. An assessment conducted in 2016 outlined several activities that GCCA has…
Poultry Slaughterhouse Training
Forum Logistik Peternakan Indonesia (FLPI, Indonesia Animal Logistics Forum) has held poultry farmer’s training at Bogor Agriculture University (IPB), on 17 & 18 January 2019 . FLPI invited potential speakers from DG of Processing-Marketing & Veterinary Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Dean of Animal Science Faculty of IPB, Practitioners of Halal…
I PLAN Project
I – PLAN Project GAIN Indonesia collaborates with Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) and Ministry of Marine Affairs & Fisheries (KKP), as the advisor, also with ARPI, Indonesia Association of Seafood Marketing & Processing (AP5I), FORIKAN, Indonesia Association of Nutrition, and Bogor Agricultural University has established Forum I-PLAN last September. The…
Demand for Ready-to-Eat Processed Foods Leads to Growth in Food Processing Equipment
Demand for ready-to-eat processed foods leads to growth in food processing equipment With the growing preference for healthy food and functional foods, manufacturers are expected to adopt new equipment to fulfill the demand for healthy functional foods and beverages. Advancements in the food processing industry, innovation in processing technology and…