Speed of service and accuracy in procurement of goods are the keys to how the national logistics industry (especially refrigerated logistics) competes in the future market with operational effectiveness and energy efficiency. This was presented at Cold Chain’s first national seminar at the All Indonesia Cool Tech event at the All Pack, All Print, and Food Tech Indonesia Expo. The first seminar entitled National Cold Chain Day has the foundation that all cold chain stakeholders must be ready to make cold chain icons in their business lines.
Since the e-commerce industry uses digitalization in a scalable way to increase its market share, the logistics industry has also kept pace with it. Starting from the logistics of products that do not require refrigeration which has grown rapidly in the last 10 years, products that require refrigeration have followed and developed gradually. This development has accelerated since the last 5 years with the growth of 3 PL services and cold product delivery services since the pandemic 2 years ago.
With the relative global warming effect of various gases, the issue of Global Warming Potential (GWP) has become a hot topic to be addressed by countries in the world. ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential, the potential for depletion of the ozone layer) is also the next issue due to among others the tefrigeran substance used to cool public spaces or storage rooms for perishable products. The higher the GWP value, the more specific the gas warms the earth compared to carbon dioxide (CO2). This (which is the fundamental of the refrigeration system in the future) was briefly discussed in the seminar on the first day of Cold Chain Day which presented three reliable speakers from Emerson Indonesia, Bitzer Compressor Indonesia and Danfoss Indonesia. How the solution of cold chain equipment in the era of digitalization is crucial for operational effectiveness and energy efficiency used as well as facilitating machine performance monitoring and maintenance. These three well-known companies offer product features with various advantages. Emerson presented on Cold Chain Solution, Bitzer on Energy Efficiency and Danfoss on Capacity Modulation in a Simple Plug & Play Package. Browse their website.
Restrictions on the space for public activities since the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020 caused online food orders to trigger the growth of the cold chain industry in the middle and last mile. Besides being influenced by the contemporary lifestyle of the millennial group and urbanization. Start-up players take this business opportunity by providing a variety of cold chain infrastructure. The second day of the seminar discussed thoroughly about cold chain logistics. Starting from MGM Bosco, a reliable 3 PL player, they have provided refrigerated logistics space for up to 50 thousand pallet positions on the islands of Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi and have 1,000 units of refrigerated transportation fleet. They have and continue to collaborate with cold parcel delivery service providers such as Paxel and Superkul. MGM Bosco explained that the Warehouse Management System is digitally integrated so that it can place its cold chain logistics very well. 3 PL changed to 4PL after collaborating to provide delivery services to retail and households
Digitalization has become the main need for cold chain connectivity in monitoring product flow and temperature movements. Such monitoring makes it a challenge when shipping products using intermodal transportation (land, sea and air). #FutureME which is used as one of the icons in providing an Integrated Transportation Management System, explained in detail by McEasy.
The cold parcel delivery service has made the players of shipping documents and other dry products a promising business. The Paxel brand, which has been around for the past 5 years, is a pioneer in providing services here. Various refrigerated logistics platform infrastructures that are implemented to support delivery services continue to grow, not only on the island of Java, but also in several cities on the islands of Sumatra, Bali, Kalimantan and Sulawesi. Intermodal transportation will be developed in order to obtain competitive logistics costs that are well connected with the use of an integrated transportation management system.
Procurement of frozen food in the household becomes very important when the COVID-19 pandemic hits the world. Purchases of household size chest freezers (capacity 100 – 300 liters) and single door refrigerators increased by 300%. The Business to Last Consumers (B2C) platform is the answer. This business opportunity was captured well by Superkul which provides excellent delivery service for cold food. Two-wheeled fleets equipped with refrigerated boxes are available for delivery areas in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi (Jabodetabek, Greater Jakarta). This Superkul start-up promises an excellent delivery service that is a well-integrated player in the final-last cold chain to consumers.
ARPI notes:
That energy efficiency in cold chain logistics has become the main requirement in making logistics costs competitive. The use of refrigerants or refrigerants (in terms of energy saving and environmentally friendly) freon is chosen properly. As much as 60% of the installed cold storage is still energy-intensive. The plug & play package system has become a future requirement for cold storage providers.
ARPI also noted:
That currently, no less than 75 million kilograms (75 thousand tons) of food are distributed every day. Only 50 thousand tons are served by trucks and refrigerated containers (Business to Business), even though the occupancy is still 70% in the production area, but demand exceeds 100% in the consumption area. More integration and collaboration are needed in filling the 25 thousand tons per day business opportunity (Business to Consumers) by cold parcel delivery service providers whose infrastructure is well connected through a digitalization platform. In the next 5 years, at least 15 thousand refrigerated trucks fleets are needed, 1,500 refrigerated container fleets, and 30 thousand two-wheeled fleets equipped with refrigerated boxes.
ARPI added a note:
Whereas SNI 55-02 which adopts ISO 23412 regarding the operation of cold parcel delivery by land transportation mode is already available (the result of cooperation between BSN, ARPI, related Ministries and other associations). Currently, SNI is still voluntary while monitoring the readiness of the service provider industry before the regulations are enacted by the competent ministry and certification by the appointed survey agency. ARPI has also contributed SNI in the manufacture of 20 feet refrigerated container products, which is the result of collaboration with BSN, INKA, and the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs & Investment.
Seminar speakers:
Adi Wismayanto (Bitzer), Yusnan Hilmi (Emerson), Fahmy A. Fatah (Danfoss), Purnawarman & Aldi (MGM Bosco), Raymond Sutjiono (McEasy), Dasmon Pangaribuan (Paxel), Cathrine Susilowati (Superkul). Moderator : Bugie Pudjotomo (United Refrigeration), Hengkie Dwiputra (Wongso Cool)
Written by: Hasanuddin Yasni, National Cold Chain Expert, Chairman of ARPI, Chairperson of National Standard (SNI) of Cold Chain Logistics.

Kecepatan pelayanan dan ketepatan dalam pengadaan barang merupakan kunci bagaimana industri logistik nasional (terutama logistik berpendingin) berkompetisi di pasar mendatang dengan efektivitas operasional dan efisiensi energi. Hal ini tersajikan pada seminar nasional pertama Cold Chain di event All Indonesia Cool Tech di dalam Ekspo Indonesia All Pack, All Print, dan Food Tech. Seminar pertama bertajuk Nasional Cold Chain Day mempondasikan bahwa semua pemangku kepentingan rantai dingin harus siap menjadikan ikon cold chain di lini bisnisnya.
Semenjak industri e-commerce menggunakan digitalisasi secara terukur didalam meningkatkan pangsa pasarnya, industri logistik pun mengimbanginya. Bermula dari logistik produk yang tidak memerlukan pendingin yang berkembang cepat dalam dekade 10 tahun terakhir, produk yang memerlukan pendingin mengikuti dan berkembang bertahap. Perkembangan ini melesat sejak 5 tahun belakangan dengan tumbuhnya layanan 3 PL dan layanan antar produk dingin semenjak pandemi 2 tahun lalu.
Dengan adanya efek pemanasan global relatif dari berbagai gas, isu Global Warming Potential (GWP) menjadi topik hangat untuk diatasi oleh negara2 di dunia. ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential, potensi penipisan lapisan ozon) pun menjadi isu berikutnya yang disebabkan diantaranya adalah substansi tefrigeran yang digunakan untuk mendinginkan ruang publik ataupun ruang penyimpanan produk yang mudah busuk. Semakin tinggi nilai GWP, semakin spesifik gas menghangatkan bumi dibandingkan dengan karbon dioksida (CO2). Hal ini (yang menjadi fundamental sistem refrigerasi kedepan) sedikit diulas pada seminar hari pertama Cold Chain Day tersebut yang menghadirkan tiga pembicara handal dari Emerson Indonesia, Bitzer Compressor Indonesia dan Danfoss Indonesia. Bagaimana solusi peralatan – mesin cold chain di dalam era digitalisasi menjadi hal krusial untuk efektivitas operasional dan efisiensi energi yang dipakai serta memudahkan monitoring kinerja mesin dan pemeliharaannya. Ketiga perusahaan ternama ini menawarkan fitur-fitur produk dengan berbagai keunggulannya. Emerson mempresentaaikan tentang Cold Chain Solution, Bitzer tentang Energy Efficiency dan Danfoss tentang Capacity Modulation in a Simple Plug & Play Package. Telusuri websitenya.
Pembatasan ruang aktivitas publik semenjak pandemi COVID-19 diawal rahun 2020 menyebabkan order makanan secara daring (online) memicu pertumbuhan industri cold chain di middle mile dan last mile. Selain juga dipengaruhi oleh gaya hidup kekinian kelompok milenial dan urbanisasi. Para pemain start up mengambil peluang bisnis ini dengan menyediakan berbagai infrastruktur rantai dingin. Hari kedua seminar mengupas tuntas tentang logistik rantai dingin. Bermula dari MGM Bosco, pemain handal 3 PL, mereka telah menyediakan ruang logistik berpendingin mencapai 50 ribu palet posisi di pulau Jawa, Sumatera dan Sulawesi dan mempunyai 1.000 unit armada transportasi berpendingin. Mereka telah dan terus berkolaborasi dengan penyedia layanan antar parsel dingin seperti Paxel dan Superkul. MGM Bosco menjelaskan Warehouse Management System yang terintegrasi secara digital sehingga dapat menempatkan logistik rantai dinginnya dengan sangat baik. 3 PL dirubah menjadi 4PL setelah berkolaborasi memberikan layanan antar ke ritel dan rumah tangga
Digitalisasi yang sudah menjadi kebutuhan utama konektivitas rantai dingin di dalam monitoring pergerakan arus produk dan suhu. Monitoring tersebut menjadikan sebuah tantangan tersendiri tatkala pengiriman produk menggunakan transportasi antar moda (darat, laut dan udara). #FutureME yang dijadikan salah satu ikon dalam menyediakan Sistem Manajemen Transportasi yang Terintegrasi, dijelaskan detail oleh McEasy.
Layanan antar parsel dingin, telah menjadikan para pemain ekspedisi dokumen dan produk kering lainnya menjadi sebuah bisnis yang menjanjikan. Brand Paxel yang telah melekat di 5 tahun belakangan ini, merupakan pionir penyedia jasa disini. Berbagai infrastruktur platform logistik berpendingin yang dijalankan dalam mendukung layanan antarnya terus berkembang, bukan hanya di pulau Jawa saja, tetapi merambah ke sebagian kota di pulau Sumatera, Bali, Kalimantan dan Sulawesi. Transportasi antar moda akan dikembangkan agar didapatkan biaya logistik yang kompetitif yang terkoneksi dengan baik dengan penggunaan sistem manajemen transportasi yang terintegrasi.
Pengadaan frozen food di rumah tangga menjadi sangat penting tatkala pandemi COVID-19 melanda dunia. Pembelian chest freezer ukuran rumah tangga (kapasitas 100 – 300 liter) dan kulkas 1 pintu naik sebesar 300%. Platform Business ke last Consumers (B2C) menjadi sebuah jawaban solusi. Peluang bisnis ini ditangkap baik oleh Superkul yang memberikan layanan antar yang prima untuk makanan dingin. Armada roda dua yang dilengkapi dengan boks berpendingin, telah tersedia untuk area pengiriman Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang dan Bekasi (Jabodetabek, Greater Jakarta). Start up Superkul ini menjanjikan layanan antar yang prima yang menjadi pemain rantai dingin akhir ke konsumen yang terintegrasi dengan baik.
ARPI mencatat :
Bahwa efisiensi energi di logistik rantai dingin telah menjadi syarat utama di dalam membuat biaya logistik yang kompetitif. Penggunaan bahan pendingin atau refrigeran (dalam hal hemat energi dan ramah lingkungan) freon dipilih dengan tepat. Sebanyak 60% dari cold storage terpasang masih boros energi. Sistem plug & play package sudah menjadi kebutuhan kedepan bagi penyedia penyimpanan dingin.
ARPI mencatat juga :
Bahwa saat ini, tak kurang dari 75 juta kilogram (75 ribu ton) makanan didistribusikan setiap harinya. Baru 50 ribu ton yang terlayani oleh truk dan kontainer berpendingin (Bisnis ke Bisnis), inipun okupansinya masih 70% di area produksi, tetapi permintaan melebihi 100% di area konsumsi. Diperlukan integrasi dan kolaborasi yang lebih padu di dalam mengisi peluang bisnis yang 25 ribu ton per hari (Bisnis ke Consumers) oleh penyedia layanan antar parsel dingin yang infrastrukturnya terkoneksi dengan baik melalui platform digitalisasi. Dalam 5 tahun kedepan, setidaknya diperlukan 15 ribu armada truk berpendingin, 1.500 armada kontainer berpendingin, dan 30 ribu armada roda dua yang dilengkapi box berpendingin.
ARPI menambah catatan :
Bahwa SNI 55-02 yang mengadopsi ISO 23412 tentang operasional pengiriman parsel dingin dengan moda transportasi darat sudah tersedia (hasil kerjasama BSN, ARPI, Kementerian terkait dan asosiasi lainnya). Saat ini SNI masih bersifat sukarela sambil memonitor kesiapan industri penyedia jasa sebelum diberlakukan regulasinya oleh kementerian yang berwenang dan sertifikasi oleh lembaga survei tertunjuk. ARPI juga telah menyumbang SNI di dalam pembuatan produk kontainer berpendingin 20 feet, yang merupakan hasil kerjasama dengan BSN, INKA, dan Kemenko Maritim & Investasi.
Pembicara seminar:
Adi Wismayanto (Bitzer), Yusnan Hilmi (Emerson), Fahmy A. Fatah (Danfoss), Nandi Suwandi (MGM Bosco), Raymond Sutjiono (McEasy), Dasmon Pangaribuan (Paxel), Cathrine Susilowati (Superkul). Moderator Bugie Pudjotomo (United Refrigeration).
Ditulis oleh: Hasanuddin Yasni, Tenaga Ahli Cold Chain Nasional, Ketua Umum ARPI, dan Ketua Komite Teknis SNI Logistik Rantai Dingin