HOW TO SELECT THE BEST SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE FOR YOUR FISHERIES BUSINESS, by Hasanuddin Yasni, Indonesia Cold Chain Association (ARPI) As a maritime country, Indonesia has a good fisheries resources. This potential makes many opportunities to develop its industries. With having 50 Kgs per capita fisheries and national productions…
Going High Speed Door Trends and Industrial Curtain Walls in Critical
Going High Speed Door Trends and Industrial Curtain Walls in Critical Environments (from GCCA Directory & Buyers’ Guide) Although high-speed doors are not new, many of their applications are, along with the regulatory standards that apply to them. As such, choosing an appropriate model is more complex, and important, than…
Railway Platform for Transporting Fresh Products
RAILWAY PLATFORM FOR TRANSPORTING FRESH PRODUCTS More than 135 million of people or equivalent with 50% of Indonesian citizen stay in Java island. Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi (Jaboetabek) or greater Jakarta is a most densely populated. Fresh products delivery is an important issue that how to connect to the last mile destination. Indonesia…
Global Cold Chain Monitoring Market to Grow 10.8%
GLOBAL COLD CHAIN MONITORING MARKET TO GROW 10.8% (analized by GCCA Team) The cold chain monitoring market worldwide is projected to grow by US$ 3.9 billion, driven by a compounded growth on 10.8%. Hardware, one of the segments analyzed and sized in this study, displays the potential to grow at…
Kaleidoskop 2019
Industri Cold Chain Nasional dalam dekade 3 (tiga) tahun terakhir ini tumbuh dan berkembang sesuai dengan permintaan pasar dalam menyimpan dan mendistribusikan produk segar (makanan) serta farmasi. Dari tahun 2016 hingga 2018 rerata pertumbuhan industri cold chain sebesar 6 (enam) persen untuk penyimpanan dingin (frozen dan chilled temperature) dan 17…