Under pressure to find new markets after Chinese pineapple banTAIWAN WILL EXPORT LARGE SHIPMENT OF PINEAPPLES TO AUSTRALIA IN MAY Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture (COA) has announced that it has reached an agreement to export 6,000 kilograms of pineapples to Australia in May. The announcement came after Deputy Agriculture Minister…
How COVID-19 Made Cold Chain Trends More Transformative Than Ever
HOW COVID-19 MADE COLD CHAIN TRENDS MORE TRANSFORMATIVE THAN EVER Source : Greg Tuthil (GCCA Newsletter). Recent trends, emerging innovation and nascent cold chain technology will continue to shape the ever-changing requirement for the refrigerated and cold chain markets. It was utter panic for many global urbanized communities to see…
Key Trends For Sustainable Seafood Supply Chains in 2021 (And Beyond)
KEY TRENDS FOR SUSTAINABLE SEAFOOD SUPPLY CHAINS IN 2021 (AND BEYOND) Written by: Tim Moore, Senior Associate, & Patrick Co, Strategic Partnerships Specialist | February 22, 2021 COVID-19 forced companies and governments to reconsider the sustainability and resiliency of global seafood supply chains. Around the world, the seafood industry plays a critical role in feeding billions of people. It’s also a major economic driver: According to the United…
Harmonizing The Cold Chain Logistics
JAPAN – RI COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS DIALOGUE Harmonization in implementing the cold chain logistic platform between Japan and South East Asia countries has been initiated in the last 4 (four) years. Intensively, especially between Japan and Indonesia, it is carried out on a G to G basis between the Japanese…
E-Training Cold Chain Logistics
COLD CHAIN LOGISTICS (apa itu?) Berbicara tentang logistik makanan dan minuman, yang terbersit di pikiran pebisnis atau penggiatnya adalah bagaimana menjaga produk tersebut sampai ke konsumen dengan baik dan aman dikonsumsi. ARPI bersama SCI akan mengadakan program e-training dan e-certification yang akan berlangsung tanggal 1 – 27 Maret 2021. Topik…