The competitive retail or distribution sector is under pressure to provide efficient services to hold its share of the market. As consumers demand higher levels of service and supply, they are simultaneously wooded by others alternatives like mail order and out of-town-shopping. On the other hand, distribution has been viewed as the key (physical) link between a company’s internal supply chain activities and its customer. More recently, demand management has emerged as a view dimension at the customer interface. Although it has become increasing popular in industry, it has not yet been analyzed in depth with respect to its impact on supply chain performance. Both distribution management and demand management entail customer-facing processes and practices and that are interrelated and (may) jointly determine supply chain performance.
Based on those issues, ISO/PC 315 working group together with ARPI and supported by National Standardization Agency of Indonesia (BSN) would like to hold an international seminar with focusing on cold chain logistics and a new standard of ISO 23412.
ISO CD 23412 have a scope for document specifies requirements for the provision and operation of indirect, temperature controlled refrigerated delivery services for refrigerated parcels which contain temperature sensitive goods (including foods) in land transportation. This ISO will guide us how to have a good supply chain (included its distribution) practices in complete document. As a maritime and archipelago’s country, Indonesia cold chain industries will need this guidance in facing a tight competition among food producer’s countries.