The progress of the Taiwan cold chain industry in supporting the cold chain digitization system to streamline operational systems, Taiwan Trade Jakarta together with ARPI will hold a short seminar on the latest global conditions of cold chain infrastructure and continue with a business meeting of 11 Taiwanese cold chain…
ARPIonline E – Newsletter
GCCA Cold Chain Study Tour to Indonesia
GCCA COLD CHAIN STUDY TOUR TO INDONESIA The Global Cold Chain Alliance (GCCA) with the results of its cold chain projects and market studies conducted in the last 5 years in several Southeast Asian countries, will conduct a study tour to several cold chain industries in Indonesia. ARPI (as a…
Susunan Pengurus Baru ARPI / ARPI’s New Board of Management
SUSUNAN PENGURUS BARU ARPI (Bahasa Indonesia) Pertumbuhan industri logistik nasional dan industry pendukungnya pada tahun lalu (2022) menunjukkan peningkatan yang signifikan secara tahunan (sebelumnya), walau angka pertumbuhannya belum seperti pada tahun 2018 dan 2019 lalu (sebelum pandemi). Pengiriman dan penyimpanan produk yang diorder melalui online yang mendominasi selama pandemi, turut…
SNI Draft of PIR Insulation Panel / Rancangan SNI Panel Insulasi PIR
RANCANGAN SNI PANEL INSULASI PIR Bahasa Indonesia Dengan kapasitas terpasang yang terus mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan permintaan konsumen local dan global, pabrikasi panel insulasi nasional telah mampu membuat panel insulasi polyisocyanurate (PIR) yang merupakan bentuk lanjut dari panel insulasi polyurethane (PU) yang mempunyai ketahanan api (anti bakar) yang tinggi. Bekerjasama…
ARPI Member’s Gathering
ARPI MEMBER GATHERING As an association that protects its members and advocates for the government for the development of the national cold chain industry, ARPI has held a face to face member gathering on February 16, 2023 at Putri Duyung Cottage, Ancol North Jakarta. Attended by 85 registered members, ARPI…