Pertemuan Pleno ISO TC 315 / ISO TC 315 Plenary Meeting


(Bahasa Indobesia). Menyikapi dengan perkembangan industri pengiriman dan penyimpanan produk segar lintas negara, lintas pulau, logistik rantai dingin terus distandardisasi karena berhubungan langsung dengan keamanan pangan yang dikonsumsi. Keseragaman standar dari kemampuan ketersediaan infrastruktur yang variatif antar negara, ISO TC 315 menyikapi nya dengan bertahap membuat standar sistem yang diterapkan dan kompetensi implementasinya.

Setelah menyelesaikan ISO 23412 pada tahun 2020, TC 315 melanjutkan dengan standar yang lebih komplit, yaitu Logistik Rantai Dingin, dimana semua persyaratan diurut dari hulu ke hilir dan dibahas bertahap. Pertemuan plenary secara face to face dalam 2 tahun berturut pasca pandemi dilakukan di Tokyo, Japan, di Paris, Perancis, dan Singapore. Tim Komite Teknis telah terbagi dalam beberapa grup kerja, yaitu: Strategic Business Plan, Terminologi, Contactless Delivery, Validation dan Traceability. Pertemuan plenary selalu diikuti dengan kunjungan ke penyedia layanan penyimpanan dan transportasi berpendingin.

Pada pertemuan plenary di Singapore, 16-18 Oktober 2024, BSN yang diwakiki oleh Hasanuddin Yasni (ARPI), berkesempatan menyampaikan perkembangan terkini untuk pelaksanaan pengiriman parsel dingin disini, dimana sertifikasi SNI ISO 23412 secara bertahap dilakukan oleh lembaga serifikasi nasional, dan TUVNord telah memulainya. BSN juga telah ditunjuk untuk keterwakilan ISO dengan topik Innovative Logistics. Singapore mengajukan untuk pembahasan selanjutnya terkait logistik rantai dingin implementasi dan kerangka kerja, sedangkan China mengajukan pembahasan peralatan untuk sistem contactless delivery.

Menindak lanjuti standar ISO pengiriman parcel dingin ini, Direktorat Penerapan Standar BSN telah mengadakan webinar tentang potensi penerapan standar ini secara nasional dengan narasumber dari ARPI, Direktorat MEITI BSN, lembaga sertifikasi TUVNord dan pelaku usaha penyedia jasa pengiriman dingin Superkul pada 22 Oktober. Webinar ini diikuti oleh 270 peserta secara daring via zoom dan youtube, terdiri dari berbagai pemain industri pengolahan makanan, transportasi, penyimpanan, retail, dan kalangan akademisi. RSNI Kompetensi Personal yang berhubungan dengan jasa pengiriman ini telah selesai dan dalam proses menjadi SNI.


(English version). Responding to developments in the cross-border and cross-island delivery and storage industry for fresh products, the cold chain logistics continues to be standardized because it is directly related to the safety of food consumed. The standard uniformity of infrastructure availability capabilities varies between countries, ISO TC 315 addresses this by gradually creating standards for the systems applied and their implementation competence.

After completing ISO 23412 in 2020, TC 315 continues with a more complete standard, namely Cold Chain Logistics, where all requirements are sequenced from upstream to downstream and discussed in stages. Face-to-face plenary meetings in 2 consecutive years after the pandemic were held in Tokyo, Japan, Paris, France and Singapore. The Technical Committee Team has studied several working groups, namely: Strategic Business Plan, Terminology, Contactless Delivery, Validation and Traceability. The plenary meeting is always followed by a visit to the refrigerated storage and transportation service provider.

At the plenary meeting in Singapore, 16-18 October 2024, BSN, represented by Hasanuddin Yasni (ARPI), had the opportunity to convey the latest developments in the implementation of cold parcel delivery here, where SNI ISO 23412 certification is gradually being carried out by the national certification agency, and TUVNord has commencement. BSN has also been appointed to represent ISO on the topic of Innovative Logistics. Singapore offered further discussions regarding the implementation of cold chain logistics and frameworks, while China offered discussions on equipment for contactless delivery systems.

Following up on this ISO standard for cold parcel delivery, the BSN Standards Implementation Directorate has held a webinar on the potential for implementing this standard nationally with resource persons from ARPI, the BSN MEITI Directorate, the TUVNord certification body and the cold delivery service provider Superkul on 22 October. This webinar was attended by 270 participants online via Zoom and YouTube, consisting of various players in the food processing, transportation, storage, retail and academic circles. RSNI Personal Competency related to this delivery service has been completed and is in the process of becoming SNI.