Better Food for More People

BETTER FOOD FOR MORE PEOPLE. The topic has discussed on virtual session on April 16, 2021. The Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in collaboration with GAIN has held a virtual session on the above topic. This virtual session was held to commemorate World Food Day. This online event was attended by several countries, such as EU, ASEAN, African and other developing countries. ARPI representing Indonesia provides the following inputs:


We have Food Loss and Waste (FLW) values ​​in the range of 40-45% from upstream to downstream. FLW at Production 30%, handling-first storage 35%, followed by Distribution & Traditional markets 25% and Consumption 10%. Why does cold storage also contribute to shrinkage, because quite a lot of cold storage quality is below standard, especially in Eastern Indonesia. Currently we have created a cold chain platform for each type of fresh product by utilizing the availability of Internet of Things and digital data loggers and GPS, we call the national agricultural product Industry 4.0 program. Especially for horticultural products that have a large gap in the availability of cold chain facilities, the National Development Planning Agency and the World Bank are planning to build a Horticultural Village in the producer area equipped with cold chain infrastructure. For fisheries products, we have SLIN (Fish National Logistics System) and have a plan to build a Fish Farming village area and also equipped with cold chain infrastructure.


It is important for Denmark to make social investments (both in terms of funding and technology transfer) in reducing FLW in developing countries, especially Indonesia, which is the second largest contributor to FLW in the world. Several issues that can become a Danish FLW investment in Indonesia, such as:

1. Support to generate, analysis and strategic use data and information on FLW including best practices to reduce it for more systematic policy and program in Indonesia.

2. Establish / support alliance or multi-stakeholders forum to guarding agenda and program in reducing FLW to meet SDGs 12 target.

3. Piloting adoption of best practices in reducing FLW from Denmark in Indonesia.