Industrial Real Estate Developers Have Been Stepping Up Building Cold Storage Warehouses

INDUSTRIAL REAL-ESTATE DEVELOPERS HAVE BEEN STEPPING UP BUILDING COLD STORAGE WAREHOUSES The latest development of cold storage warehouse industry have enlivened by real estate developers as has happened in the Unites States, without tenants lined up for the space, betting the pandemic-driven changes in the way consumers buy groceries and…

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Stord and Fresh Del Monte Collaboration Address Cold Chain Fulfillment Needs

STORD AND FRESH DEL MONTE COLLABORATION ADDRESES COLD CHAIN FULFILLMENT NEEDS Stord’s Cloud Supply Chain to use Fresh Del Monte’s proven cold storage infrastructure as an expanded offering to brands requiring temperature or humidity-controlled logistics. (by MMH Staff from GCCA News, edited by ARPI) Stord, which offers a cloud-based supply chain fulfillment…

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Eksplorasi Pembiayaan Untuk Mempercepat Pengembangan Industri Rantai Dingin / Financing Exploration to Accelerate the Development of Cold Chain Industry

EKSPLORASI PEMBIAYAAN UNTUK MEMPERCEPAT PENGEMBANGAN INDUSTRI RANTAI DINGIN bahasa Indonesia & English version: Pertumbuhan yang cepat di industri market place dan e-commerce mempunyai dampak signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan industri rantai dingin, yang juga didukung dengan perubahan gaya hidup generasi saat ini dan peningkatan kelompok urban. Hal ini membuat, kesadaran akan kualitas…

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