Bahasa Indonesia
Berbekal kemampuan industri pabrikasi panel insulasi lokal didalam membuat Panel Insulasi Polyisocyanurate (disingkat PIR) Dengan Pelapis Panel Insulasi (skin panel) dengan sistem produksi panel yang bekerja secara kontinu dan otomatis, ARPI bekerja sama dengan Komite Teknis 83-02 membuat RSNI nya. RSNI ini yang nantinya akan menjadi SNI, selain sebagai pedoman dalam pembuatan panel insulasi PIR, juga sebagai perlindungan kepada konsumen dan pengelola bangunan pengguna panel PIR dari kerugian yang timbul akibat ketidaksesuaian dalam pembuatannya.
Rapat Teknis pertama dan kedua telah dilakukan dan telah menghasilkan kesepakatan Bersama antara pabrikasi lokal dalam pembuatan dan uji kualitas yang meliputi: Uji Ketebalan, Uji Densitas, Uji Stabilitas Dimensi, Uji Konduktivitas Termal, Uji Reaksi Terhadap Api, dan Uji Defleksi Pembebanan. Keseluruhan uji ini berdasarkan pada standar internasional, seperti ASTM, EN, dan ISO.
Rapat Teknis kedua yang dilaksanakan secara offline di kota Jogyakarta, Jawa Tengah, selain menghasilkan draft yang semakin lengkap dan rinci, juga menyepakati kelanjutan rapat berikutnya yaitu Rapat Konsensus secara offline.
Sementara itu, kunjungan ARPI ke kota Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam di dalam rangka menghadiri Konferensi bertopik Digitalisasi Logistik Rantai Pasok dan Konektivitas Rantai Pasok dan Penyimpanan Produk Hortikultura, menambah pengetahuan baru tentang detail manajemen rantai dingin di kedua konferensi tersebut. Vietnam mempunyai kapabilitas sebagai negara eksportir makanan dan minuman tertinggi (dari segi volume dan nilai) disbanding dengan negara Asia Tenggara lainnya, termasuk Indonesia. Di sisi lainnya, industri pabrikasi panel insulasi, Indonesia mempunyai kapabilitas yang lebih baik di antara beberapa negara Asia Tenggara lainnya. Disinilah, pentingnya standar nasional panel insulasi di dalam menjawab peluang bisnis global.
English Version
Armed with the capability of the local insulation panel manufacturing industry in making Polyisocyanurate Insulation Panels (abbreviated as PIR) with Insulation Panel Coatings (skin panels) with a panel production system that works continuously and automatically, ARPI is working with the Technical Committee 83-02 to make its RSNI. This RSNI which will later become SNI, apart from being a guideline in the manufacture of PIR insulation panels, is also a protection for consumers and building managers who use PIR panels from losses arising from non-compliance in their manufacture.
The first and second technical meetings have been held and have resulted in a joint agreement between local manufacturers in the manufacture and quality tests which include: Thickness Test, Density Test, Dimensional Stability Test, Thermal Conductivity Test, Fire Reaction Test, and Load Deflection Test. All of these tests are based on international standards, such as ASTM, EN and ISO.
The second technical meeting which was held offline in Jogyakarta city, Central Java, apart from producing a more complete and detailed draft, also agreed to continue the next meeting, namely the offline Consensus Meeting.
Meanwhile, ARPI’s visit to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam in order to attend a Conference on the topic of Digitizing Supply Chain Logistics and Supply Chain Connectivity and Storage of Horticultural Products, added new knowledge about the details of cold chain management at the two conferences. Vietnam has the capability as the highest food and beverage exporting country (in terms of volume and value) compared to other Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia. On the other hand, for the insulation panel manufacturing industry, Indonesia has better capabilities than several other Southeast Asian countries. This is where the importance of national standards for insulation panels in responding to global business opportunities.