INDUSTRI MANUFAKTUR LOKAL TELAH DAPAT MENYEDIAKAN TCL BERGERAK Versi Bahasa Indonesia : Setelah melalui uji coba antara panel insulasi yang terbuat dari Polyurethane (Panel PU) yang dapat menyimpan produk segar dengan temparutur chilled ataupun freeze (rentang suhu -20 sampai dengan +30 derajat Celcius) dan didukung dengan sistem Condensing Unit (CDU)…
ARPI Executive Board Coordination Meeting-2021
ARPI EXECUTIVE BOARD COORDINATION MEETING-2021 The significant growth in demand for fresh produce, which requires temperature control in distribution and storage in the last 3 years, especially public awareness to save the next few days during the pandemic, has made the role of the cold chain industry increase sharply. Based…
Cold Chain Logistics for Vaccines / Logistik Cold Chain untuk Vaksin
LOGISTIK COLD CHAIN UNTUK VAKSIN Indonesia version: Semenjak wabah pandemi COVID-19 melanda negara-negara di dunia termasuk Indonesia setahun yang lalu, berbagai upaya untuk menahan laju penyebarannya hingga pengadaan vaksin untuk kekebalan tubuh telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah dan bahu membahu dengan industri swasta yang berkompeten. Industri farmasi yang tertunjuk untuk mengelola…
Taiwan Will Export Large Shipment of Pineapples to Australia in May
Under pressure to find new markets after Chinese pineapple banTAIWAN WILL EXPORT LARGE SHIPMENT OF PINEAPPLES TO AUSTRALIA IN MAY Taiwan’s Council of Agriculture (COA) has announced that it has reached an agreement to export 6,000 kilograms of pineapples to Australia in May. The announcement came after Deputy Agriculture Minister…
How COVID-19 Made Cold Chain Trends More Transformative Than Ever
HOW COVID-19 MADE COLD CHAIN TRENDS MORE TRANSFORMATIVE THAN EVER Source : Greg Tuthil (GCCA Newsletter). Recent trends, emerging innovation and nascent cold chain technology will continue to shape the ever-changing requirement for the refrigerated and cold chain markets. It was utter panic for many global urbanized communities to see…