COLD CHAIN VALIDATION FOR VACCINE PRODUCTS Situasi Pandemi COVID-19 nasional yang telah berlangsung sejak bulan Februari 2020 lalu, turut mendukung penerapan cold chain delivery terutama bersuhu chiller (bersuhu +2 s/d +8 derajat Celcius). Infrastruktur cold chain dipersiapkan sesuai dengan persyaratan suhu yang diperlukan oleh produk tersebut, seperti vaksin COVID-19 ini.…
Better Food for More People
BETTER FOOD FOR MORE PEOPLE. The topic has discussed on virtual session on April 16, 2021. The Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries in collaboration with GAIN has held a virtual session on the above topic. This virtual session was held to commemorate World Food Day. This online event…
Dutch Organic Chain Installs CO2 System
DUTCH ORGANIC CHAIN INSTALLS CO2 SYSTEM (The First of Many) Ekoplaza aims to convert all of its 83 stores to natural refrigerants. Ekoplaza, a small organic-store chain in the Netherlands, has installed its first CO2 (R744) transcritical system, an integrated HVAC&R solution, with plans to convert all of its 83 stores…
Dry Ice, The Unsung Hero of COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout
DRY ICE, THE UNSUNG HERO OF COVID-19 VACCINE ROLLOUT A Temple University chemist demonstrates why dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) is having a moment. Temple University chemistry professor Robert Levis has some fun with dry ice, explaining why it’s great for keeping COVID-19 vaccines cold in transit. Mar 22, 2021…
Policy Forum for Policy Development of Value Chain Infrastructure for Horticulture Products in Indonesia
Issue of Demographic and Dietary Pattern has become a challenge for countries in the world related to their national food security programs through empowering small and medium enterprises in the upstream food sector and their market networks. Increasingly increasing middle-income groups and urbanization have led to an increasing demand for…