Manajemen Terminal Reefer Container dan Sistem Digitalisasi Logistik Rantai Dingin yang Mendukung Platform Industri 4.0 / Reefer Container Terminal Management and Cold Chain Logistics Digitization System That Supports The Industry 4.0 Platform



Pengelolaan atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai manajemen untuk Pelabuhan peti kemas reefer container sudah menjadi sebuah tantangan bagi tiap negara di dalam membangun ekonomi nasionalnya. Pelabuhan menjadi lebih penting bagi sebuah negara maritime seperti Indonesia di dalam memperlancar rantai pasok, distribusi dan penyimpanan produk segar (makanan), bahan baku, maupun kebutuhan konsumen sehari-hari. Tidak ayal lagi biaya logistic menjadi mahal jika tidak terhubung dengan digitalisasi di era kebutuhan hidup yang meningkat dan membutuhkan proses yang lebih cepat. Tuntutan infrastruktur yang tepat guna di dalam meningkatkan peranan sector riil yang dapat dirasakan oleh semua golongan usaha telah menjadi pekerjaan rumah kita.

ARPI (melalui Kompartemen Pelatihan dan Edukasi) bersama PT. PMLI (Pendidikan Meritim dan Logistik Indonesia) yang didukung penuh oleh IPC-NPCTone (New Priok Container Terminal), PT. MGM Bosco, PT. Indotank, dan PT. Logol menyelenggarakan pelatihan yang mengangkat topik manajemen Pelabuhan peti kemas (reefer container), permaslahan reefer container forwarding, konektivitas digitalisasinya, dan modern cold warehouse (3PL) dengan update trace-track nya.

Dengan menghadirkan para trainer yang berpengalaman di masing-masing topik pelatihan, dapat dirangkum bahwa platform Industri 4.0 di industry cold chain harus segera diterapkan di semua golongan usaha cold chain. BUMN seharusnya menjadi penggerak platform ini yang dapat dikolaborasikan oleh pemangku kepentingan dan regulator. Industri cold chain yang merangkul semua stakeholders dari hulu ke hilir, dari upstream ke downstream, dari produsen ke konsumen. Di sector hulu, ada produsen berupa UMKM dan middle up yang memegang peran sebagai pemasok bahan baku, di middle mile ada supplier, prosesor dan transporter. Sedangkan di last mile ada penyimpan produk jadi, pendistribusi dan pengecer ataupun grosir. Efisiensi dan efektivitas Pelabuhan menjadi tantangan yang harus dibenahi oleh pebisnis, dan BUMN menjadi penggeraknya.

ARPI mencatat, bahwa merger PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia – Pelindo (Persero) dapat berperan membenahi Pelabuhan nasional yang dikelolanya dan menjadi penggerak bagi pemain (industry) swasta. Masih ada beberapa Pelabuhan yang digunakan tidak tepat dengan kapasitas dan fasilitas yang terpasang sehingga masih terjadi penimbunan ataupun pemindahan reefer container yang telah melampaui batas waktu yang dipersyaratkan. Penunjukan Pelabuhan bongkar muat produk sayuran dan buah yang diimpor dari beberapa negara Asia juga masih terjadi sehingga berlanjut pengiriman ke area konsumen potensi seperti Greater Jakarta menggunakan reefer truck. Pusat Logistik Berikat (PLB) untuk reefer container belum mendukung penuh seperti halnya untuk dry container. Pusat Logistik Ikan pun sudah waktunya mengacu kepada manajemen Pelabuhan ini, yang dapat terkoneksi baik dengan system digitalisasi.

Selain mendapat materi pekatihan ini, peserta training juga mendapat kesempatan berkunjung dan berdiskusi langsung dengan manajemen modern terminal reefer container NPCTone dan modern 3 PL MGM Bosco. Kedua stakeholders cold chain ini telah mampu menerapkan platform Industri cold chain 4.0. Trend kedepan dari industry cold chain dapat mengikuti manajemen dari kedua industry ini dimana digitalisasi memegang peranan di dalam menekan biaya cold chain logistic dari middle mile ke last mile. Pelatihan ini diikuti oleh para pemain di sector Pelabuhan laut, logistic, transporter, instalator Gudang, Gudang modern dan platform digitalisasi-aplikasi.



Good handling or better known as management for reefer container ports has become a challenge for each country in developing its national economy. Ports are becoming more important for a maritime country like Indonesia in facilitating the supply chain, distribution and storage of fresh products (food), raw materials, as well as the daily needs of consumers. There is no doubt that logistics costs will become expensive if they are not connected with digitalization in an era of increasing life needs and requiring a faster process. The demand for an appropriate infrastructure in increasing the role of the real sector that can be felt by all business groups has become our homework.

ARPI (through Training and Education Compartment) with PT. PMLI (Indonesian Maritime and Logistics Education) which is fully supported by IPC-NPCTone (New Priok Container Terminal one), PT. MGM Bosco, PT. Indotank, and PT. Logol held a training that raised the topic of container port management (reefer container), reefer container forwarding issues, digitalization connectivity, and modern cold warehouse (3PL) with updated trace-tracks.

By presenting experienced trainers in each training topic, it can be summarized that the Industry 4.0 platform in the cold chain industry must be immediately implemented in all cold chain business groups. SOEs should be the drivers of this platform that stakeholders and regulators can collaborate on. Cold chain industry that embraces all stakeholders from upstream to downstream, from first mile to last mile, from producers to consumers. In the upstream sector, there are producers in the form of MSMEs and middle ups who play a role as suppliers of raw materials, in the middle mile there are suppliers, processors and transporters. While in the last mile there are finished product storage, distributors and retailers or wholesalers. Port efficiency and effectiveness is a challenge that must be addressed by business people, and SOEs are the driving force.

ARPI noted that the merger of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia – Pelindo (Persero) can play a role in fixing the national ports it manages and become a driving force for private players (industry). There are still some ports that are used inappropriately with the installed capacity and facilities so that there is still stockpiling or moving of reefer containers that have exceeded the required time limit. The appointment of loading and unloading ports for vegetable and fruit products imported from several Asian countries is also still happening so that shipments continue to potential consumer areas such as Greater Jakarta using reefer trucks. Bonded Logistics Center (PLB) for reefer containers is not fully supported as is the case for dry containers. It is time for the Fish Logistics Center to refer to the management of this port, which can be well connected with the digitization system.

In addition to receiving this training material, the training participants also had the opportunity to visit and discuss directly with the modern management of the NPCTone reefer container terminal and the modern 3 PL MGM Bosco. These two cold chain stakeholders have been able to implement the cold chain Industry 4.0 platform. The future trend of the cold chain industry can follow the management of these two industries where digitalization plays a role in reducing cold chain logistics costs from the middle mile to the last mile. This training was attended by players in the seaport sector, logistics, transporters, warehouse installers, modern warehouses and application-digitization platform.