Pemanasan global, efek rumah kaca, ataupun kerusakan lapisan ozon sudah menjadi tren topik untuk segera dapat diatasi dengan baik. Berbagai penyebab problem tersebut telah banya dianalisa, dan diantaranya adalah pengeloaan transportasi (pergerakan barang) dan ruang serta Gudang berpendingin. Sering disebut sebagai pengeloaan sistem yang berfokus kepada isu ramah lingkungan.
Hal ini terungkap didalam pertemuan terbatas antara ARPI dan anggota dengan tim International Finance Corporation (IFC) yang merupakan konsultan dari World Bank pada 18 Februari 2025. IFC menjelaskan beberapa project mereka seperti di Afrika Selatan, India, dan Vietnam yang menggunakan jasa keuangan dari World Bank dengan memperhatikan ataupun mempedulikan akan isu tersebut diatas. IFC menjelaskan juga seputar bisnis rantai dingin dengan pola pengelolaan hemat energi, seperti penggunaan energi baru dan berkelanjutan, yaitu panel surya ataupun energi alternatif, passive refrigerant Phase Change Materials (PCM) ataupun active refrigerant Freon yang rendah GWP. Dari ARPI juga menjelaskan seputar isu mega project logistik dan transportasi berpendingin, regulasi pemanfaatan energi baru dan terbarukan, serta teknologi kekinian peralatan pendingin untuk transportasi dan penyimpanan produk.
Dari ARPI, yang hadir selain Pengurus juga anggota: Jalur Sejuk, United Refrigeration, Tico Transport, Copeland Indonesia, Cold Space, Fresh Factory, Thermo Asri Makmur, CT Technologies, dan Sinar Primera. ARPI kedepan akan mengkolaborasikan antara IFC dengan Bank Mandiri terkait dengan besaran investasi kapital di sektor rantai dingin ini dan isu pengelolaannya yang ramah lingkungan dalam satu forum dan berlanjut ke event cold chain summit.
Global warming, the greenhouse effect, or damage to the ozone layer have become trending topics that need to be addressed immediately. Many causes of this problem have been analyzed, and among them are the management of transportation (movement of goods) and refrigerated space and warehouses. Often referred to as system management that focuses on environmentally friendly issues. This was revealed in a limited meeting between ARPI and members with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) team which is a consultant for the World Bank on February 18, 2025. IFC explains that several of their projects, such as in South Africa, India and Vietnam, use financial services from the World Bank by paying attention to or caring about the issues mentioned above. IFC also explains the cold chain business with energy-saving management patterns, such as the use of new and sustainable energy, namely solar panels or alternative energy, passive refrigerant Phase Change Materials (PCM) or active refrigerant Freon with low GWP. ARPI also explained the issue of refrigerated logistics and transportation mega projects, regulations for the use of new and renewable energy, as well as current technology for refrigeration equipment for product transportation and storage.
From ARPI, those present besides the Management were also members: Jalan Sejuk, United Refrigeration, Tico Transport, Copeland Indonesia, Cold Space, Fresh Factory, Thermo Asri Makmur, CT Technologies, and Sinar Primera. In the future, ARPI will collaborate between IFC and Bank Mandiri regarding the amount of capital investment in the cold chain sector and the issue of environmentally friendly management in one forum and continuing with the cold chain summit event.