INDUSTRI COLD CHAIN NASIONAL DI 2021 Bahasa Indonesia : Di awal tahun kedua pandemi COVID-19, secara year on year (YoY) industri cold chain nasional dari hulu ke hilir dapat tumbuh tipis, satu digit (3-5%) untuk instalasi cold storage baru, dan tumbuh signifikan untuk transportasi berpendingin (65-70%) dan supporting panel insulasi…
Usung Nama ID FOOD, Holding BUMN Pangan Resmi Diluncurkan / Using the Name ID FOOD, SOE Food Officially Launched
USUNG NAMA ID FOOD, HOLDING BUMN PANGAN RESMI DILUNCURKAN Bahasa Indonesia: Menteri Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) Erick Thohir meluncurkan Holding BUMN Pangan dengan mengusung nama ID FOOD, Oleh : Iim Fathimah Timorria – 12 Januari 2022. Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir (kiri) memperlihatkan produk olahan daging ayam kepada wartawan…
Why Technology and Traceability are Essential for Import – Export of Cold Foods Today
WHY TECHNOLOGY AND TRACEABILITY ARE ESSENTIAL FOR IMPORT – EXPORT OF COLD FOODS TODAY Cold Supply Chain & Logistics, by Erik Valiquette (GCCA News) A 20-foot shipping container like those seen here, can hold approximately 48,000 bananas (image courtesy of Adobe Stock) Do you know where your food comes from…
Blockchain Technology Developments Help Elevate Food Safety Protocols
BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS HELP ELEVATE FOOD SAFETY PROTOCOLS By : Francine L. Shaw (GCCA News) Blockchain technology is not a new concept to the foodservice industry. Before the pandemic, those of us in the industry discussed blockchain technology, traceability, transparency, sustainability, digital technology, and food safety and its impact on…
From Bad to Worse to Better: How Today’s State of Supply Chains Present Bright Future
FROM BAD TO WORSE TO BETTER: HOW TODAY’s STATE OF SUPLLY CHAINS PRESENT BRIGHT FUTURE Here’s how technology, visibility and the drive to overturn the labor shortage help improve the current state of the supply chain, by Marina Mayer (GCCA News). When 2021 hit, the world was ready for the…