Alternatif Energi Berpeluang Baik / Energy Alternative Have Good Opportunities


Cuaca ekstrim, teknologi dan keterbatasan persediaan energi sudah menjadi penyebab utama kegagalan negara produsen penghasil produk produk pertanian untuk pengadaan pangan secara kontinu. Pengiriman pangan lintas negara semakin marak tanpa batas. Negara konsumen dapat mengklaim sebagai negara produsen penghasil produk olahan pertanian karena kemampuan teknologi dan ketersediaan infrastruktur phisik baik dan terhubung sistem operasional nya..

Konektivitas antar moda transportasi dan penyimpanan dingin telah menjadi sebuah peluang bisnis di industri rantai dingin, juga halnya dengan alternatif energi yang men-support keterbatasan suplai energi listrik. Phase Change Material (PCM) yang ramah lingkungan, yang dapat mengeluarkan udara dingin setelah energi panas dirubah menjadi energi dingin oleh alat tersebut. Kualitas PCM sangat menentukan kemampuan lama waktu untuk menjaga suhu produk .

Energy Solution Technology Ltd, Corp (EST), dari Korea, telah menemukan teknologi PCM yang prima, yang dapat menjaga suhu produk yang dipersyaratkan (frozen dan chilled) dalam rentang waktu 20 sd 32 jam, tergantung frekuensi buka tutup pintu boks berinsulasi. PCM ditawarkan untuk pemakaian moda transportasi reefer container, reefer truck, mobile – portable storage dan cool box berinsulasi. Forum Group Discussion EST dengan pihak penyedia boks dingin, digitalisasi dan BUMN, pada 27 September lalu dilakukan di Jakarta.


Extreme weather, technology and limited energy supplies have become the main causes of the failure of producing countries producing agricultural products to procure food continuously. Cross-border food deliveries are increasingly widespread without borders. Consumer countries can claim to be producing countries producing processed agricultural products because of their technological capabilities and the availability of good physical infrastructure and connected operational systems.

Connectivity between modes of transportation and cold storage has become a business opportunity in the cold chain industry, as well as energy alternatives that support limited electrical energy supplies. Environmentally friendly Phase Change Material (PCM), which can emit cold air after the heat energy is converted into cold energy by the tool. The quality of the PCM greatly determines its ability to maintain the desired product temperature for a long time.

Energy Solution Technology Ltd, Corp (EST), from Korea, has discovered excellent PCM technology, which can maintain the required product temperature (frozen and cold) within a period of 20 to 32 hours, depending on the frequency of opening and closing the insulated box door. PCM is offered to use reefer containers, reefer trucks, mobile – portable storage and insulated cool boxes as transportation modes. The EST Group Discussion Forum with cold box providers, digitalization and BUMN, was held on September 27 in Jakarta.