
Reefer Container System on Railway Wagons


Concerns about greenhouse gas emission and environment protection in general, lead to application of new, eco-ftiendly solutions in almost all areas of human activities. Today, transportation is the focus of many researchers since transport units generate substantial emissions locally as well as globally.

Meanwhile, intermodal (multimodal) transport of refrigerated goods demands continuous, stable power supply in order to preserve the quality of products inside reefer container. Also in fact, reefer containers are frequently used to transport sensitive goods. Therefore, containers must be almost constantly supplied with electric power to maintain desired ambient parameters (temperature, humidity, number of air changes per hour, etc).

Tracking transport of goods in reefer containers along the supply chain is the means by which products quality can be guaranteed. So all reefer containers has to have remote supervision system. Integration of emerging information technologies can now provide real-time status updates.
Above explanation has been discussed between seafood processors, PT. KA Logistics (KALOG), and ARPI in Banyuwangi district area, East Java. KALOG plans to install cold chain logistics based train in their new terminal, Ketapang, Banyuwangi.

ARPI suggests to make a team work in making and implementing a good cold chain system that can connected to each terminal and monitor it easily, and a consortium with end-users.

Finally railway transport of reftigerated containers in Indonesia, especially in Java island that having very crowded land transportation activities will be helpful to distribute goods and fresh products, and hand in hand with reefer trucking to get a good solution of land transportation problems. A mobile application also have to develop that permits registered users to remotely supervise reefer containers powered from developed converters during railway transport.

After Forum Group Discussion (FGD) that will be held on mid March, KALOG plan to try its first platform on next April.