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Deflasi Menahan Laju Pertumbuhan Industri Rantai dingin / Deflation Holds the Growth Rate of the Cold Chain Industry


Deflasi selama 5 (lima) bulan berturut-turut sejak Mei tahun ini telah menyebabkan laju pertumbuhan industri rantai dingin tertahan. Untuk instalasi baru gudang dingin, mengalami penurunan 5-7% dibanding tahun lalu (year on year), dan instalasi unit baru kendaraan berpendingin kurang lebih sama dengan tahun lalu.

Hal ini diungkap oleh ketua ARPI dalam cold chain industry business matching di dalam ekspo All Indonesia Cooltech, SIAL Interfood, Jakarta. Materi yang dibawakan bertopik National Cold Chain Outlook 2025. Deflasi menyebabkan peredaran uang berkurang, penurunan daya beli masyarakat, dan diskon e-commerce dalam memberdayakan pasar membuat marjin semakin berkurang. Tetapi kondisi yang dihadapi ini ada mempunyai sisi positif terutama dari sektor logistik dan transportasi, yaitu bagaimana mengelola kinerja perusahaan jika menghadapi kondisi ini dimana tingkat okupansi pemanfaatan jasa yang diberikan turun 25-30% dari periode yang sama dengan tahun lalu.

Beberapa standardisasi di industri rantai dingin, telah membuat pemain logistik global tertarik untuk berinvestasi karena memang Indonesia mempunyai pasar yang baik. Program pemerintah untuk pemberdayaan logistik dan transportasi nasional, juga memberikan peluang pertumbuhan industri rantai dingin di tahun depan, dengan catatan deflasi dapat diantisipasi, dan kenaikan pajak industri dapat disalurkan dengan baik dalam belanja barang dan jasa pemerintah.

Manufaktur lokal juga diprogram diberdayakan di dalam belanja pengadaan barang dan jasa pemerintah. ARPI juga mempunyai program globalisasi industri rantai dingin nasional.

ARPI memprediksi bahwa pertumbuhan industri rantai dingin di dalam pengadaan gudang beku baru ada di 8%. Sedangkan untuk pengadaan unit baru transportasi berpendingin di 14%. CAGR untuk masing-masing industri tersebut adalah 9% dan 9,5%.

Energi yang berkelanjutan berupa pengadaan energi alternatif di dalam menopang pertumbuhan industri ini diperlukan, terutama di dalam memberdayakan area-area yang pasokan listriknya terbatas.


Deflation for 5 (five) consecutive months since May this year has caused the growth rate of the cold chain industry to be stifled. For new installations of cold warehouses, there was a decrease of 5-7% compared to last year (year on year), and installations of new refrigerated vehicle units were more or less the same as last year.

This was revealed by the chairman of ARPI in the cold chain industry business matching at the All Indonesia Cooltech expo, SIAL Interfood, Jakarta. The material presented was on the topic of National Cold Chain Outlook 2025. Deflation causes the circulation of money to decrease, people’s purchasing power decreases, and e-commerce discounts in empowering the market cause margins to decrease. However, the conditions being faced have a positive side, especially from the logistics and transportation sector, namely how to manage company performance if they face this condition where the occupancy rate for the use of services provided has fallen by 25-30% from the same period as last year.

Several standardizations in the cold chain industry have made global logistics players interested in investing because Indonesia has a good market. The government’s program to empower national logistics and transportation also provides opportunities for growth in the cold chain industry next year, provided that deflation can be anticipated, and increases in industrial taxes can be channeled properly into government spending on goods and services. Local manufacturing is also programmed to be empowered in government procurement of goods and services. ARPI also has a globalization program for the national cold chain industry.

ARPI predicts that the growth of the cold chain industry in new frozen warehouse procurement is at 8%. Meanwhile, the procurement of new refrigerated transportation units is at 14%. The CAGR for each of these industries is 9% and 9.5%.

Sustainable energy in the form of providing alternative energy to support industrial growth is needed, especially in empowering areas where electricity supply is limited.

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