
Biaya Logistik Nasional Masih Tinggi (National Logistic Costs Still High)

DUAL LANGUAGES (Bahasa & English)


Diklaim bahwa biaya logistik nasional masih berkisar di angka 23% dari PDB atau ekivalen dengan Rp 3.700 triliun menjadi salah satu penyebab pertumbuhan logistik nasional belum optimal. Pungutan liar akibat premanisme dan oknum aparat menyebabkan biaya transportasi dan penanganan kontainer (bagian dari biaya logistik) mencapai 40% dari biaya logistik nasional. Biaya logistik paling besar ada di Makassar dan Medan, masih ada biaya komunitas. Isu ini diungkap oleh Asosiasi Logistik Indonesia yang menjadi salah satu narasumber dalam acara peluncuran “Gerakan 1 Juta Kendaraan” untuk mendukung percepatan digitalisasi di sektor logistik dan transportasi pada era Industri 4.0 yang diselenggarakan secara luring oleh McEasy – perusahaan solusi digital berbasis teknologi IoT dan East Ventures pada 18 Mei 2022 lalu.

Selanjutnya ditambahkan bahwa rata-rata biaya logistik di dalam negeri adalah 21,48% dari biaya produksi industri. Namun demikian, di Makassar mencapai 24,35% sedangkan di Medan mencapai 30,05%.

Situasi pandemi COVID-19 membuat industri logistik harus mengaplikasikan teknologi nirsentuh. Industri logistik nasional kini harus menerapkan skema rating seperti yang dilakukan oleh konsumen kepada pengemudi dalam jasa transportasi daring. Logistik sebelumnya selalu mengikuti perdagangan, dan saat ini perdagangan sudah ke sistem e-commerce. Berarti logistik dan rantai pasoknya sudah harus terdigitalisasi.

Sementara itu, Sub Direktorat Angkutan Barang Badan Pengelola Transportasi Jabodetabek (BPTJ) menyatakan bahwa biaya logistik kota Bekasi masih cukup tinggi mencapai 25,76% dari biaya produksi. Kondisi itu berbeda dengan DKI Jakarta yang biaya logistiknya hanya 13,66% dari biaya produksi. Perbedaan kondisi jalan dan fasilitas logistik menjadi 2 faktor utama perbedaan biaya tersebut. Efisiensi perusahaan logistik dalam mengangkut barang dan tidak adanya muatan balik menjadi faktor penyebab selanjutnya.

Sebagai perusahaan venture capital, East Ventures telah memberikan investasi dan berbagai dukungan di sektor logistik nasional, salah satunya kepada McEasy. Dengan memanfaatkan teknologi dan analisa data, digitalisasi membantu pelaku sektor logistik dan transportasi memecahkan sejumlah tantangan jangka panjang, seperti kurangnya transparansi logistik, proses konvensional & manual, dan konektivitas, lanjut McEasy menjelaskan.

Di industri cold chain yang merupakan tulang punggung ketahanan pangan nasional, disamping dari keberhasilan produksi pangan, monitor sistem konektivitas cold chain dari first mile ke last mile menjadi tanggung jawab sesama pemangku kepentingan. Indonesian Cold Chain Association (ARPI) mencatat jumlah transaksi pengiriman paket barang-barang konsumen nasional mencapai 5,2 juta per hari selama 2 bulan ini (menjelang, selama dan sesudah Ramadan). Dari jumlah tersebut, transaksi pengiriman paket berpendingin yang terlayani mencapai 220 ribu per hari (50% dari permintaan). Market place dan e-commerce membuat pertumbuhan industri cold chain lebih baik.

Ada kekhawatian dari beberapa stakeholders bahwa order online pengiriman paket berpendingin akan melandai pertumbuhannya dengan melandainya jumlah kasus pandemi COVID, tetapi ARPI menjawab bahwa dengan perubahan gaya hidup terhadap pilihan menu makanan yang sehat dan meningkatnya jumlah masyarakat urban, industri cold chain tetap menjadi solusi tepat di dalam ketahanan pangan nasional dengan menurunkan besaran penyusutan pangan. Di sektor transportasi diperlukan manajemen tepat guna dengan monitor konektivitasnya. Di pengiriman produknya diperlukan hub cold storage yang tepat lokasi dan tepat guna sebagai infrastruktur pendukung. Kualitas layanan pengiriman berpendingin (termasuk tenaga kerja terlatih) menjadi tantangan kedepan.

English Version


It is claimed that national logistics costs are still around 23% of GDP or equivalent to Rp. 3,700 trillion, which is one of the reasons why national logistics growth has not been optimal. Illegal levies due to thuggery and unscrupulous officers cause transportation and container handling costs (part of logistics costs) to reach 40% of national logistics costs. The biggest logistics costs are in Makassar and Medan, there are still community costs. This issue was revealed by the Indonesian Logistics Association who was one of the speakers at the launch of the “1 Million Vehicle Movement” to support the acceleration of digitization in the logistics and transportation sector in the Industrial 4.0 era, which was organized by McEasy – a digital solution company based on IoT technology and East Ventures on 18 last May 2022. Furthermore, it is added that the average domestic logistics cost is 21.48% of the industrial production cost. However, in Makassar it reached 24.35% while in Medan it reached 30.05%.

The COVID-19 pandemic situation has forced the logistics industry to apply contactless technology. The national logistics industry must now implement a rating scheme like what consumers do for drivers in online transportation services. Previously, logistics always followed trade, and now trade has gone to e-commerce systems. This means that logistics and supply chains must be digitilized.

Meanwhile, the Sub-Directorate of Goods Transportation of the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) stated that the logistics costs for the city of Bekasi were still quite high, reaching 25.76% of production costs. This condition is different from DKI Jakarta province, whose logistics costs are only 13.66% of production costs. The difference in road conditions and logistics facilities are the 2 main factors for the difference in costs. The efficiency of logistics companies in transporting goods and the absence of backloading are the next contributing factors.

As a venture capital company, East Ventures has provided investment and various supports in the national logistics sector, one of which is McEasy. By leveraging technology and data analytics, digitalization helps logistics and transportation sector players solve a number of long-term challenges, such as lack of logistics transparency, conventional & manual processes, and connectivity, McEasy continued.

In the cold chain industry, which is the backbone of national food security, apart from the success of food production, monitoring the cold chain connectivity system from the first mile to the last mile is the responsibility of fellow stakeholders. The Indonesian Cold Chain Association (ARPI) recorded that the number of national consumer goods package delivery transactions reached 5.2 million per day for the past 2 months (before, during and after Ramadan month). Of this amount, refrigerated package delivery transactions served reached 220 thousand per day (50% of requests). Market place and e-commerce make the cold chain industry grow better.

There are concerns from some stakeholders that online orders for refrigerated package delivery will slow down its growth by decreasing the number of cases of the COVID pandemic, but ARPI replied that with lifestyle changes towards healthy food menu choices and the increasing number of urban people, the cold chain industry remains the right solution in the world, national food security by reducing the amount of food shrinkage. In the transportation sector, efficient management is needed with monitoring of connectivity. In product delivery, a cold storage hub is needed that is in the right location and is appropriate for supporting infrastructure. The quality of refrigerated delivery services (including a trained workforce) is a challenge in the future.