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Selangkah Kedepan Logistik Rantai Dingin Nasional / A Step Ahead of National Cold Chain Logistic


Di satu area, bisa saja hanya menghasilkan produk hasil laut, tetapi mereka membutuhkan produk segar lainnya yang tidak tersedia. Terbukalah bisnis jasa penyimpanan dan pendistribusian produk-produk yang mudah busuk tersebut yang memerlukan control temperature. Penerapan sistem rantai dingin sebagai Solusi bagaimanan rantai pasok dan permintaan dapat seimbang sehingga fluktuasi harga produk pangan tersebut relatif stabil. Dan Indonesia sebagai negara maritim dan kepulauan, rantai dingin yang proper memainkan peranan penting di dalam ketahanan pangan nasionalnya.

Efisiensi pengadaan dan pengiriman produk pangan (pangan) akan terbentuk dalam 2 (dua) tipe (model) logistik rantai dinginnya, yaitu model B to B dan B to C (juga C to C). Kedua model ini memerlukan kolaborasi agar dapat terkelola dengan baik dan lebih efektif di dalam pelaksanaan (saling mendukung kemampuan-keahlian).

Beberapa pemain besar logistik rantai dingin, B to B, seperti Kiat Ananda CS, MGM Bosco, Kawanishi, Adib Cold Logistic, Tira Cipta Logistic, EksPendingin, Sinar Primera, dan lainnya terus berkembang. Jasa pengiriman (3rd party), seperti Paxel, Superkul, CoolJek, Tico Transport, dan lainnya juga bertambah.

Transformasi Globalisasi rantai dingin, tak bisa dihindari. Permintaan pasar yang menghendaki kecepatan pelayanan harus disikapi dengan melihat peluang bisnisnya. Model Fulfillment Center menjadi salah satu solusi yang proper, dimana rantai pasok diperpendek agar mudah dan cepat terkirim ke konsumen akhir. Fulfillment center dapat menyediakan stok produk tersebut ke titik-titik pasar potensial, sehingga layanan pengiriman lebih mudah dikontrol dengan biaya lebih efisien.

Kunjungan Board ARPI ke Anggota potensial, Cold Space, new fulfilment storage, di Srengseng, Jakarta Barat, telah menyiapkan peluang bisnis ini dengan pengadaan storage yang sangat baik. Glass door yang disediakan dengan 3 tipe suhu (frozen, chilled, dan air-cond) menjawab tantangan selangkah kedepan logistik rantai dingin.

Sementara itu, di industri manufaktur panel insulasi telah diterbitkan Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk Rigid Polyisocyanurate yang diproses secara continues line, Board ARPI Bersama Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN) Indonesia dan Lembaga Sertifikasi Profesional (LS Pro) telah pula mengunjungi proses pembuatannya ke Alpine Cool Utama, Royal Havilah, Starrpanel dan Alsun Suksesindo. Industri ini telah selangkah kedepan di dalam memproduksi produk yang berkualitas.

SNI lainnya yang diterbitkan terkait dengan logistik rantai dingin adalah: Sistem resi Gudang untuk Penyimpanan Dingin Produk Perikanan, Gudang dingin (Chilled temperature) sistem control atmosfir untuk produk hortikultura, dan persyaratan kualitas thermal reefer container.

English version

In one area, they may only produce seafood products, but they need other fresh products that are not available. Open a storage and distribution service business for perishable products that require temperature control. The implementation of the cold chain system is a solution for how the supply and demand chains can be balanced so that price fluctuations of food products are relatively stable. And Indonesia as a maritime and archipelagic country, a proper cold chain plays an important role in national food security.

The efficiency of procurement and delivery of food products (food) will be formed in 2 (two) types (models) of cold chain logistics, namely the B to B and B to C models (from C to C). Both of these models require collaboration so that they can be managed well and be more effective in implementation (supporting each other’s abilities).

Several big players in cold chain logistics, B to B, such as Kiat Ananda CS, MGM Bosco, Kawanishi, Adib Cold Logistic, Tira Cipta Logistic, EksPendingin, Sinar Primera, and others continue to grow. Delivery services (3rd party), such as Paxel, Superkul, CoolJek, Tico Transport, and others have also increased.

The globalization of cold chain transformation can not be avoided. Market demand that requires speed of service must be responded to by looking at business opportunities. The Fulfillment Center model is an appropriate solution, where the supply chain is shortened so that it is easily and quickly delivered to the final consumer. Fulfillment centers can provide stock of these products to potential market points, so that delivery services are easier to control with more efficient costs.

The ARPI Board’s visit to potential members, Cold Space, new fulfillment storage, in Srengseng, West Jakarta, has prepared this business opportunity by providing excellent storage. Glass doors are provided with 3 types of temperatures (frozen, chilled, and air-conditioned) answering the challenges of taking a step forward in cold chain logistics.

Other SNIs issued related to cold chain logistics are: Warehouse receipt system for cold storage of fishery products, cold warehouse (Chilled temperature) atmosphere control system for horticultural products, and thermal reefer container quality requirements.

Meanwhile, in the insulation panel manufacturing industry, the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) has been issued for Rigid Polyisocyanurate which is processed in a continuous line, the ARPI Board together with the Indonesian National Standardization Body (BSN) and the Professional Certification Institute (LS Pro) have also visited the manufacturing process at Alpine Cool Utama, Royal Havilah, Starrpanel and Alsun Suksesindo. This industry has taken a step forward in producing quality products.

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