
Cold Chain Logistics Delivery Need to Be Managed Well


All foods must be delivered to consumers in a way that ensures that they do not become unsafe or unfit to eat. Foods that need refrigerating must be kept cool while they are being transported. This may need to be packed in an insulated box with a coolant gel or in a cool bag. 

Food sent by post or service provider needs to be sent to customers in packaging that is strong enough to remain intact. Once sent, the food should be delivered as quickly as possible, ideally overnight. When the order is made, the consumer must be told when they can expect delivery. 
When you sell food by mail order or via the internet, the food you sell is subjected to the food law (national or global). Legal topics cover: safety, record keeping, product withdrawal, product recall, good hygiene, labelling, and specific to the type of food which you are selling. 
The main concern is the condition of the food when it reaches the purchaser. The law covers: information the seller needs to provide customer before making the sale, rights to cancel the contract, recovery of sums paid on cancellation, restoration of goods by the consumer after cancellation, and delivery of food and drink to a consumer’s residence or workplace. 

Badan Standardisasi Nasional Indonesia (BSN, National Standardization Agency of Indonesia) and ARPI will be a host of The 3rd Meeting of ISO/PC 315 at Jakarta, on 12 to 14 of November 2019. With fully supported by ISO/PC 315 Secretariat, will continue to hold seminar regarding to introduce the ISO 23412 and its implementation in some countries as a member of that ISO on 14 of November 2019. The tentative topic of seminar is “Cold Chain Logistics Delivery” that will discuss in details how to manage all problems that mentioned above and packaged in a good guidelines of cool delivery. This seminar will be connected by Seafood Show of Asia & SIAL Interfood Expo Jakarta (managed by Kristamedia Pratama). This will be meaningful for Indonesia especially, and connecting countries in general.